Saturday, April 17, 2010

Following Your Dreams

I found Carmen to be the most interesting character in the movie Tortilla Soup. In the beginning of the movie she comes off as a strong independent woman who knows what she wants in life. Even though throughout the movie we see that she isn’t as happy as she seems. Carmen is the character that changes the most throughout the movie. She always wants to please her father, and doesn’t follow her dream because her dad never approved of her being what she wanted to be, a chef.

During the movie we notice that Carmen is a very modern woman and she believes more about living freely. For example, she doesn’t believe that she needs to be married to experience what life would be with a man. She also believes that she is a responsible woman who is aware of her actions. She thinks like this until she realizes she is better than that.

When Carmen’s uncle dies, she realizes that life is too short. She starts to understand that a person’s life shouldn’t be dictated by others but instead be dictated by what makes that individual person happy. Carmen was offered a job in Barcelona, Spain. Her father wanted her to accept the job offer just because he thought it was the best thing for her future not realizing that if Carmen left she will be very unhappy.

In the end, Carmen decides what is best for her. She turns down the job in Barcelona, and becomes a Chef. Sometimes people go on with their lives trying to make others happy while shadowing their own dreams. At trying to please her father, Carmen secludes herself in a world where happiness will come from making his desires come true when truly, it shouldn’t be that way. She realized that she is a better person than that girl who pleased everyone else except herself. She thought that making everyone else happy would please her, but at the end it didn’t turn out to be that way because she didn’t feel satisfied. She realized that what she wanted for herself was more important than what others wanted from her. Carmen, to me, is the strongest woman in the movie. She wasn’t afraid to go with her desires, and followed her dream.


  1. She was my favorite character also. When did you fall in love with Carmen? I could'nt stand her in the beginning of the movie. As the movie went on, I started to feel bad for her. She was definetely very strong, smart and caring.

  2. I agree, in the begining of the movie she seems like she knows exactly what she wants in life and is set. Yet, as the movie proceeds we get a new insight on the "real" her. I think she made the right choice by the end of the movie; to follow her dreams.

  3. I agree with you in Carmen being one of the character that changes radically in the movie. She gives up her dream job and becomes a chef because she understand that that's what will give her the true joy and that how other will feel happiness too. Good job with your essay.
